Open tryouts are closed for the 2025 season.
Join the record-breaking Minnesota Vixen, the nation’s longest-running women’s tackle football team! We’re on the lookout for women of diverse body types and backgrounds for the upcoming season. Don’t worry if you have no prior football experience – our dedicated team will provide all the training you need! Secure your spot by registering for open tryouts. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to be part of our winning legacy!
Dates– Open tryouts are closed for the 2025 season.
Please bring:
- Athletic shoes
- Workout clothing
- Water
Once the form is signed and submitted you are registered! You may submit payment through the following:
- credit card
- venmo @mn_vixen
- Paypal http://paypal.me/mnvixen
Thank you!
FAQs for tryouts
Q: My payment failed is there an alternative way to pay?
Yes. If your payment failed, you are still registered for the tryouts and we will be expecting you. Try using alternative payment options
Venmo: @mn_vixen
Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/EFFKPPMXGW2S4
Or you can pay the day of during check-in. Also feel free to reach out to Laura at Laura.Brown@mnvixen.com for payment issues.
Q: How old do I need to be?
A: You need to be at least 18 years old to participate in the camp and 18 years old by January 1, 2024 to be on the Vixen team.
Q: I have never played football before, does that matter?
A: Due to the lack of a girl’s football program, almost 90% of our players have never played football before becoming a Vixen. Our coaches will train you on everything you need to know from what a first down is to tackling to learning your playbook. What we really need is dedicated women who are eager to learn!
Q: Are there many injuries?
A: Like any sport, especially a contact, physical sport such as football there will be injuries. The most common are pulled muscles and sprains. Of course you can decrease your risk by being in-shape, properly warming up and working on flexibility.
Q: I’m not really in shape, does it matter?
A: Of course being in-shape would be better, but we will get you in shape! If you’re going to start on your own however, there is no such thing as too much cardio! In addition, we would advise working on core and leg strength. Remember football needs women of all shapes and sizes. An o-line player and a wide receiver do not need to have the same amount of cardio or the same strength!
Q: Why do you charge money for tryouts?
A: The $35 fee for tryouts covers the cost of the WFA league registration if they are offered and accepted on the Vixen.
Q: Do I need to attend more than one tryouts?
A: The quick answer is no, coming to more than one tryout is not required. However, after you complete a tryout, you are welcome to come to the following tryouts to work on your skills and conditioning, and to meet your potential players. Attending more than one tryout may increase your chances of making the team.
Q: How many people make the team?
A: The tryouts have become more competitive in the recent years. We are estimating adding approximately 15-20 rookies to this year’s class.
Q: What are you looking for in a player?
A: We really want dedicated women who are eager to learn and have some type of athletic background. Many sports such as basketball and soccer translate very well onto the football field but really having any type of background in sports however small is helpful. Remember we are looking for women of ALL shapes and sizes!
Q: When do you practice?
A: Practice begins in January inside in a dome. Currently, we practice every Tuesday evening and on Saturdays generally in the morning. Plus, there is a online team chalk talk every Thursday. Once we start playing games on Saturdays, then we practice in-person every Tuesday and Thursday evening.
Q: Where do you practice?
A: Our main home base of operations is at Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington. For dome practices, we practice at the Savage Sports Complex in Savage, MN. Outdoor practices are currently in Champlin.
Q: I cannot attend all practice, can I still be on the team?
A: There is a definite correlation between teams that have good attendance and teams that win. We highly encourage attendance but we understand that players have jobs and families outside of the team. We do expect players to have at least a 66% attendance.
Q: Are transgender athletes and non-binary persons allowed to play?
A: YES! Both the Minnesota Vixen and our league the Women’s Football Alliance (WFA) welcome transgender and non-binary athletes and encourage you to tryout! Here is the link to the WFA Bylaws https://wfaprofootball.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/WFA-Bylaws-Updated-2-2022-1.pdf
Q: What do you do at tryouts?
A: Tryouts are much like the NFL combine. In the past, we have a series of drills including:
- 40 yard dash
- Vertical jump
- T-drill
- Box drill
- Bench press or Push-ups
- Leg press
- Sled lift and drive
- other position specific drills such as quarterback and wide receiver drills.
Not every player will do great on every drill especially if you have not played football before, but it gives the coaches a look at your base athleticism and evaluate your potential for different positions.
Q: My payment failed is there an alternative way to pay?
Yes. If your payment failed you are still registered for the tryouts and we will be expecting you. Try using this link for payments https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/EFFKPPMXGW2S4 Or you can pay the day of during check-in.